
Labor Day marks the end of summer, mostly because schools starts right after the holiday. I spent so many years waiting for the bus in the same spot, when I walk on that street I can't help but think of those times.

Where did I stand? Who did I talk to? Who did I sit with on the bus?

The years my mom waited with us, and met us upon return.

And when we went to the bus stop on our own.

I remember the boys playing football. I remember throwing a tennis ball against someones brick garage, I remember when someone put salt on a slug, I remember when I started showering in the morning and my hair freezing in the cold.

I remember the day we were all waiting for the bus and it never came. The person living in the house by the stop came out and told us school was canceled.

I remember running up the alley to catch the bus.

When we missed the bus, we had to finagle a ride from whose ever parents had not left for work yet.

When I was older, I walked from the school home a few times. A way to spend some extra time with friends.

So this time of year, the smell of the wind can bring those moments back.

And I know from this feeling, fall is here.
Great post Sam! I could really visualize each of your memories! The wet freezing hair is also a memory I have!!
Your narrative is beautiful and meshes seamlessly with your photos. Did you know I always watched you walk up the alley from your bedroom window?