I got off to a rough start, forgetting a few key items, but my neighbor was helpful-and I was able to make do.
This year I really focused on the Crochet hats.
The old fashioned helmet/1920's flapper style was clear to everyone who came by.
I did a couple felted hats. They turned out well, and I think I will expand in this area.
Headbands also made a comeback this year. I sold nearly all of mine, which was fantastic considering there was some steep competition with that product!
My hats did well also!
I plan on updating my etsy site this weekend with the remainder product.
I had a few helpers today too.
Grandma and Amira spent the day with me. Amira took Grandma all around! Grandma and I both were exhausted! Amira has boundless energy. But for being at a fair all day, she was really in good spirits and even helpful. I showed her my old studio, the printing presses, and an old teacher of mine did a silk screen demonstration, which engaged Amira.
And now to bed!
Lots of fun!