This picture is overexposed, but beautiful. The sun is shinning through Amira.
We've been wanting sunshine lately. Not just because it feels to soon for fall... This picture above is not of a swamp, though it certainly felt like one, but of my parents back yard.
The aftermath of hurricane Irene caused the Mohawk river to surge and rush through many upstate New York towns, and finally crash into Waterford NY. You can see the waterline on the house for how high the water was. The whole village was covered in mud.
Adrian and his friends came to help dig out the yard, while my father and sister cleaned out the downstairs. The walls, doors and windows did not keep the mud outside.
Some evidence of the strength of the water. This picnic table was moved across the yard, and wedged here in the bushes.
Amira and I spent some time sorting through old items on the second floor.
I can't believe how big she has gotten this summer!
And being a full fledged toddler, she gets to have much more fun making messes.
And she is able to participate they way we do in various activities. Carrying the bag, picking apples herself.
Hunting loose chicken (just to give an apple to of course.)
And smiling for the camera:)
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