I had a relatively peaceful first Mother's Day. We ate scones from the Greenhills Irish Bakery and played around the house before Adrian left to teach that morning. Despite that expression, Amira really likes daddy playing the guitar:)
Amira and I then took a long nap in the late morning, which was very relaxing for both of us.
Once we woke, we scooted around the house, goofing off. Amira was in a great mood, the two teeth she was pushing out finally cut reliving her of the discomfort she had been feeling. These are the flowers Amira got me from Lopez the florist.
Later we went and I finally picked up a five foot folding table. Such a simple purchase I have been putting off, but now I have a much better space to spread out my journal so I can keep my entries going.
My goal is to fill out the sketch book before Amira turns a year. I've done 9 of 15 and she is 10 months old. Doable, but this project is clearly back loaded. This is my latest entry, a memory of walking in the park one Tuesday. There were mommies and babies everywhere that day!
I love in the painting that you included Amira leaning forward, peering around the side of her stroller! Its a classic Amira move!