Our windows were replaced today. We are excited to see some savings on our heating bill as we approach the coldest months of the year. The installation process required that we move everything 3 feet away from the windows. This wasn't a huge problem, but in the studio, we had many of our old sketch books and portfolios piled up against the wall with windows.
Having pulled this stuff out, we are taking the opportunity to sort through these piles of old art. Or so far, I am. I am reviewing this old work and deciding if I should keep it or toss it. Purging art can be difficult. When I was a teen, I participated in NYSSSA, and one of the teachers gave a lecture and told us about a time when her studio burned and she had to part with all her previous work. She said this was one of the best things for her, because it is important not to fall in love with our work, but to always push forward. I am trying to keep this in mind. We will see if I can be successful in this task.
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