This year, Amira was able to open her own presents. She learned to do this a few days prior to Xmas in fact, and opened her cousins presents along with some of hers. We hosted Xmas for the second year, though I think I was much more prepared a year ago. This Holiday arrived really quickly for us, and quicker than some of our presents. With the Atoui's coming, Adrian prepared by purchasing a puzzle. As you can see in the course of a day we got quite far. Even with a toddler bopping about and snatching pieces when she could. All we had left at the end were the solid blue pieces, which my sister categorized by shape (note the last picture.) But alas, we did not finish the puzzle. (Sigh.) We are in the middle of a big winter storm, so the family left early this morning. The puzzle was put away undone. There is only so much temptation Amira can bear, and she has quite enough right now with flashing lights, cookies, and candy. Those puzzle pieces were trouble waiting to happen. Next year we will have to work faster-me especially!
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