With November comes earlier nights. Amira is still going to sleep pretty early. In the summer, I felt stuck in the house. But with the evenings early onset, it is easy to settle into a night at home. We put up our Christmas lights for Halloween to be a little festive, and have left them up and on since! I have started my popcorn habit again. And I have made nearly 4 hats in the last week! Adrian has been making stews, and I have been making lots of beans. I am so happy Amira loves beans like me! Of course, all this hanging around the house is helping to make a few more piles of misc. items in various places. Though those piles are treasures to Amira:)
2 months ago
I haven't been gone that long, have I? Amira looks like she has grown so much. I didn't take my lap top with me on my trip and it feels like she went from baby to little girl in just a few weeks. I just read through several of your posts - those hats with the little flipped up ear flaps are DARLING. Winter is just around the corner, here, I may just have to make one of those hats. It was good to visit your blog, hope the ear infections stay away from Amira. Enjoy the popcorn and crisp fall days, Carolina.