I have been trying to run a little (and I do mean a little, I am not a runner, have never been and will probably never excel in the sport). But since I walk Amira daily to help her nap, I thought I could squeeze in a little extra exertion for me without adding another chore to the day. When she falls asleep, I have been doing some watercolors. This started on our recent vacation, and it has been so enjoyable I am trying to keep it up.
So on the day I wanted to go to the beach, I wanted to keep this new habit alive. I also had a few other errands to get done - which is how I usually miss the beach.
The plan: Bring Amira to the esplanade, run/walk the length. Take some reference photographs for another project. Paint while she sleeps. When she wakes, meet Adrian for lunch. Have Adrian watch Amira while I pick up a few necessities (Shopping with a mobile baby just takes so much longer), take the train back to our apartment where our lunches are prepacked, get our bathing suits and bag and head to Singing beach in Manchester by the Sea.
Success! All of these things happened. Amira even took an unusual afternoon nap when I was getting our bag together and stayed asleep while I packed her in the car. We got to play in the ocean for the first time together! No pictures-I considered bringing the camera too risky, and as the rising tide surprised us twice, I made the right call. Besides, I do have the memories of her happy laughter as the waves crashed over us.
Love the watercolor of Amira sleeping!