Amira has had quite a long week. She is taking baby steps, getting a molar, and had to go to the doctors...
She needed her one year check up which comes with enough needles. But poor Amira has had some rashes after eating milk and eggs, so she had blood drawn for an allergy screening-uh.
This was hard for her, and for mom and dad. This was dads first time with needles at the doctors and he did not like it at all! But Amira is pretty resilient and gets over things pretty quickly. At home, if she bumps herself, which happen fairly often, I just bring her to the window where she presses her pointer finger against the glass and calms down.
But I am not to be fooled into thinking my daughter has a relaxed disposition. She has lately been throwing little tantrums. Getting herself exasperated and laying on her back whining. What is this? Though, I have to say, she is still small enough that it is pretty cute. I know I shouldn't indulge her, but how can I help it!
Now I am off to start packing for our vacation on the lake with a couple of friends! We both plan on getting some art making squeezed into this week!